uitneembare protheses


Onze specialiteit is de telescoopprothese, in zirkonium-goud of NEM al dan niet op implantaten. Maar ook voor de conventionele prothese met of zonder zachte basis, de opbeet plaat en de snap-on kunt u bij ons terecht.

Removable dentures with vario anchor
Removable dentures with vario anchor
Telescope prosthesis BK and OK on 5 zirconium oxide primary parts
Telescope prosthesis BK and OK on 5 zirconium oxide primary parts
Implant supported zirconium denture
Implant supported zirconium denture
3 Zirkoonoxid bar
3 Zirkoonoxid bar
zirconium steg Dentegris
denture on Zirconium bar based on 4 Dentegris impantats
Telescope denture on 6 Nobel Biocare implants in the upper jaw. In the lower jaw simultaneously 4 crowns for a better occlusion
Upper jaw: zirconium crowns and telescopic denture on its own pillars (teeth) and on 1 implant equipped with a telescopic hood / abutment. Mandible: frame prosthesis
Telescopic denture on 4 Straumann implants
Telescopic denture on 4 Straumann implants